Divi 2.3.2 released

Yesterday I read about the coming Divi 2.4 update, which will be packed with a whole bunch of new features. (Read the Elegant Themes sneak peek here.) It’s going to be amazing!

Today I was surprised to see on my Dashboard the Divi 2.3.2 update being available. I quickly logged in to the ET members area to check the changelog, but it is not yet available there.

But after the update – I trusted nothing will break 🙂 – I checked the changelog, and it says the following:

version 2.3.2 ( updated 04-23-2015 )
- Fixed the issue with Aweber, breaking Page Builder on some servers, when no settings were defined
    * functions.php
- Added minor security hardening
    * epanel/custom_functions.php
    * et-pagebuilder/et-pagebuilder.php
    * functions.php
- Bumped version number
    * style.css

So we got an Aweber bug fixed and tougher security.

Thanks Elegant Themes! Keep up the good work!

I wonder what’s coming tomorrow… 🙂

The divi magazine opens Store

The divi magazine opens Store

I’m very happy to announce that we opened up our Store! You will find here custom codes and plugins for download and for purchase.

As for now there is one product available, FOR FREE: the resources for the iPad Slider, about which I wrote an article earlier.

Of course, in the future more goodies can be expected, ranging from simple codes to more complex plugins adding some features to the Divi theme.

Head over to the Store and grab your Simple iPad Slider and check back soon for more goodies!
